It was a Sweet Flu Bug I Caught
It's a funny title for my post.
Caught the flu bug last week. My, was I a wreck on the Tuesday just passed. Had to wake up real early in the morning and wake and clean the two girls up. Then had to rush them through breakfast so that I could send Kieona to school. Kierra is still two months short of reaching 18 months - the minimum age for starting pre-school. Du had gone off early in the morning for his BNI breakfast meeting. It was unusual, as this was a special combined breakfast for a few chapters. His chapter normally meets on Fridays.
My mood could not be worse, as my head was thumping, the weather was chilly, and I had a stuffy nose and a slight throat irritation. With my sweater on, I was still shivering. No choice, I could not bear to keep Kieona home and so had to send her to school, bringing both Kierra and Aeni with me. Marketing trip was given up while on my way back, as I felt that I may faint any time if I were to carry on. So I came home and breastfed Kierra before hitting for the bed. Head was too heavy and I had no choice but to sms Du. Heavens was kind enough that it so happened he did not have appointments after breakfast, so he could come home after dropping by his office.
This was a real surprise to me, as we had agreed a few days earlier that he should go to office even if he does not have any appointments - at least Mondays to Fridays. Or at least this was the message I got. But nevertheless, this was the sweetest part of the flu. By staying around and helping out, I felt better the next day already.
Thinking back, gifts of love really need not be a lot, nor need it cost a lot, but just by simply being there for me when my body was down made me feel special, and that I was being loved. It definitely was the sweetest flu bug I'd caught - the first time he could really rush back when I was down with flu. And now that I'm well (almost), I can still feel myself bathing in the love. :)