One thing at a time
I generally surprised to see such expression of jealousy from my wife. That goes to show that she loves me a lot. There are times I really worry that her dreams get the better of her. Then again, this time round, perhaps I have not been sensitive enough telling her about other women. Until she mentioned to me the day before, it was merely a sharing of the interesting things that I see each day with her. The sad thing is that the lady in my team seems to be doing much better than the guys. I hard not to praise her really. Crush ... never crossed my mind. I admire smart and independent people that I meet, guys or gals.
Now back to work. My team is only three strong currently. Pretty small and only the sole lady can be independent and productive. The others continues to struggle. With 2006 behind us, I set to build a strong team in 2007. A few of the managers have grouped together to lend strength to each other. I think this is great because individually we all have our weakness. Collectively, we can develop each others team more effectively and efficiently. I am also trying to help my division manager set up some division support structure for consultants and managers, that way, there can be more leverage to grow the team.
I believe that one has to be willing to give before he receives. Of course, all these will take time. Meanwhile, I will still need to do my sales and service the clients. At least until the team is bigger and my clients start cashing out and the recurring sales kick in.
I realised yesterday that I have not been really focus enough in my job. I love to spend time with the family, but not spending enough time on the business results in slow grow and ultimately more time needed at work. I am already seeing some other managers that start together with me pull way ahead of me in sales and team building. It might be better to spend more time focus on getting the business up 1st. That way, I can then spend not just the time with the family but we can also go for our dream holiday (Family trip to Canada) and live the lifestyle we desire. I know I can trust Pearline to keep the home in order. It is really tough on her but I promise I will make it up to her.